This is why social distancing is important - and why the official government guidance works

The government is urging people to reduce their social contact (Photo: Shutterstock)The government is urging people to reduce their social contact (Photo: Shutterstock)
The government is urging people to reduce their social contact (Photo: Shutterstock)

As the number of cases of coronavirus in the UK continues to climb, the government is urging people to follow its guidance on social distancing in an effort to contain the spread.

The government is currently advising Britons to avoid unnecessary social contact and travel amid the health pandemic, but there are fears the country could be put under full lockdown if people fail to follow the advice.

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What is social distancing?

Social distancing simply means reducing the amount of social interaction with other people, in an effort to reduce the transmission of coronavirus.

The government has urged people to avoid all contact with anyone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus, including a high temperature and a new continuous cough, and abide by the following measures:

- Avoid non-essential use of public transport when possible

- Work from home, where possible. Your employer should support you to do this. Refer to employer guidance for more information

- Avoid large and small gatherings in public spaces, noting that pubs, restaurants, leisure centres and similar venues are currently shut as infections spread easily in closed spaces where people gather together

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- Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media

- Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services

While the government advice states that people can still go for a walk or exercise outdoors, they’re stressing that people must stay more than two metres away from others.

Everyone has been urged to follow these measures as much as they practically can, and to significantly limit face-to-face interactions where possible.

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This is particularly important if you are over the age of 70, have an underlying health condition, or you are pregnant.

If anyone in your home is symptomatic, the whole household should stay at home for 14 days to avoid the spread of infection.

Those who live alone should isolate themselves for seven days.

Why is social distancing important?

Social distancing is hugely important as it effectively reduces further transmission of the virus, and also helps to lessen the strain on the already overstretched NHS.

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Without such measures in place, someone who has coronavirus can be expected to infect around three other people over the course of their infection.

These three newly infected individuals can then be expected to cause three further infections, which will then likely be spread again, creating a chain of transmission that can lead to thousands of cases.

However, by reducing social contact the chain of transmission becomes much smaller, meaning those who are infected will only infect up to two other people over the course of their infection.

While the virus can still be transmitted to others in a household, if those individuals all self-isolate it ensures the infection won’t be passed on any further, helping to significantly cut the total number of people who get infected and reduce the overall spread.

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Will the UK be put on lockdown?

Several countries, including China, Italy and France, have already been put under lockdown in an effort to stem the spread of the virus, and there are growing concerns the UK could be next.

In most countries affected by lockdowns, residents are still allowed out to stock up on supplies from grocery stores, or to exercise at a safe distance from others.

If the UK is to be forced into lockdown, it is expected the country will take a similar approach, with the public banned from all non-essential movements.

While the drastic measure has not yet been announced, if it is implemented it is expected to last for at least “several months”, and possibly up to a year to allow the country to get over the worst of the virus.

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The UK is currently only advising people to follow social distancing measures, but Health Secretary Matt Hancock has warned the government “may have to take further action” if people continue to flout social distancing rules of staying two metres away from each other.

Mr Hancock told Sky News: "This is not the sort of thing that anybody would want to do but, of course, it is the sort of thing we might have to do in order to protect life.

"If you do go out, you must not get closer than two metres from someone who isn't in your household.

"It is a really simple rule and incredibly important, because to protect life and the NHS we need to stop the spread of this virus and the virus spreads by people coming into close contact with each other."

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