Transport secretary says Wigan 'deserves reliable rail service' as Government takes over Northern franchise

Grant ShappsGrant Shapps
Grant Shapps | jpimedia
As the Government's OLR (Operator of Last Resort) officially takes over the running of train services in North West after stripping Northern of its franchise, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps says Wigan has "given so much to the UK" and deserves a reliable and effiencient rail service to flourish.

Mr Shapps said today:

"For far too long, people in Wigan and across the North West have been badly let down by their rail services.

Passengers have faced delays, cancellations, overcrowding and unreliable services. As a commuter myself, I understand how frustrating it can be to be late for work, or to miss important appointments.

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Grant ShappsGrant Shapps
Grant Shapps | jpimedia

I also know the pain of being stuck on a platform indefinitely, missing your children’s bedtime.

Earlier this year we announced that the Northern franchise would be taken over by the government operator, and today marks the first day of a new era for the network.

It also marks the start of our work to improve services for passengers. I want to be clear that there will be no overnight transformation, because there are no quick fixes for the network. It’s a huge and complex network – serving over 108 million passengers a year. We must be honest about the scale of the challenge.

We know that many of Northern's problems are due to inadequate infrastructure, and I hope passengers understand the upgrades required will take time.

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But we are determined that passengers do see immediate, tangible improvements, so we are making the changes we can now.

For instance, we’re ensuring that trains are deep cleaned so that every journey is carried out on a train fit for passengers.

We’re also setting better standards for on-board cleanliness, right from the off.

This work will build on the improvements already underway.

Pacers, a source of misery for so many travellers across the Northern network, are being removed from the network.

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Last month we opened a brand new £46 million train depot in Wigan, that will provide facilities to clean and maintain the modern fleet of trains on the Northern network. We’re also extending platforms across the network to make room for longer trains, meaning more carriages with more seats.

I have also tasked the new operator with targeting the overcrowding that passengers tell us has blighted too many of their journeys, by trialling technology to identify and deal with crowding pinch points across the network.

A panel of local leaders, passenger representatives and industry leaders will also advise the Government’s operator on Northern – to ensure the needs of passengers are at the heart of the network going forward.

These are just the first steps, and to improve Wigan’s railway we are looking at how to build longer-term solutions for the future too.

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I’ve asked the new operator to use the first 100 days running services to review the franchise from top to bottom, leaving no stone unturned, in order to develop an ambitious plan for the network that puts passengers first.

This plan will be put together following talks with passengers and local leaders.

It will mark an important step in the right direction, towards a future where the North of England has more powers over its railway.

As Cabinet member with responsibility for the Northern Powerhouse, I am determined to give back to the North the benefits they’ve brought the rest of Britain.

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From much loved shops like M&S and JJB Sports, to world class rugby and Northern soul, Wigan has given so much to the UK.

It’s only right that this brilliant town and its people has the reliable, efficient railway it needs to flourish.

I’m determined to achieve that."