Wigan singer vows to keep on belting out tunes until pubs reopen

Neil DunlopNeil Dunlop
Neil Dunlop
A popular voicalist has vowed to continue performing for carers – until the pubs re-open.

Neil Dunlop has been singing on a Thursday nights since the Clap For Carers celebrations started a few months ago, with people living in Standish saying they can hear him from across the village.

His performances have sparked comments from a number of locals about how uplifting they have been at a time of crisis.

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And despite the Clap for Carers having now finished, Neil has said he will continue to belt out his songs and operatic arias until residents can celebrate in village pubs.

Neil, who regularly performs in The Albion in Standish, said the reception he had received has encouraged him to continue: “I’m going to carry on. The reception I have had from people has been tremendous.”

Performances have seen him sing a range of songs, including Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Miserables, to mark the tragic number of coronavirus deaths, while his Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel has also proved popular. Another performance saw him make a poignant tribute to Captain Tom Moore’s fund-raising efforts for the NHS when he sang You’ll Never Walk Alone.

He said: “I’ve really enjoyed singing for people and hope I’ve cheered a few people up. I’m going to keep singing until the pubs re-open – whenever that is!”

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And Neil could soon be returning to signing in the pub with Prime Minister Boris Johnson considering plans to reopen pubs by July 4.

Since the lockdown, Neil isn’t the only person to belt out classics from his driveway. In Appley Bridge Neil Makinson has performed ’80s hits from a makeshift stage outside his home as neighbours watched on from their front doors.

One gig saw music fanatic Neil become something of an online sensation, racking up more than 11,000 views on a Facebook Live video.