Wigan mum defends right to breastfeed toddler son

Becky Hampson and her son VinnieBecky Hampson and her son Vinnie
Becky Hampson and her son Vinnie
A Wigan mum has hit back after being criticised for breastfeeding her toddler and is encouraging other mums to do whatever feels right for their child.

Becky Hampson, from Lowton, has always been open about her desire to breastfeed her children, starting with her first son Myles - who is now 10 - up to the age of one.

However, the 35-year-old yoga teacher has recently had to defend her decision to continue breastfeeding her youngest son Vinnie, who turns two in October.

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Becky, who runs mum and baby yoga sessions among an array of other yoga classes, says that she has received nasty looks and horrible comments from people she barely knows.

Becky and Vinnie when he was a babyBecky and Vinnie when he was a baby
Becky and Vinnie when he was a baby

“I’m very open with my feeding all the time,” she said. “Some people have said things like ‘wow, you’re still doing that even though he can walk’.

“Some have said ‘he’s got teeth so he will be biting you’ while others have said that I’m not doing it for him I’m doing it for me.

“It’s things like that and the looks and stuff, people look at me in disgust.

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“Someone told me it was ridiculous that I’m feeding a toddler and someone else said that couldn’t believe I was still feeding him at this age.”

However, despite the criticism, Becky has continued to breastfeed Vinnie as she believes it is right for both of them.

“It’s natural,” she said. “He still comes for it.

“With Myles he just stopped when he didn’t want it anymore.

“I’m guessing that’s what he will do when he’s ready - I don’t really have a plan.

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“There are a lot of health benefits to breastfeeding for the baby, for the mother, it improves immunity. It’s good all round really.

“I think I get quite a bit of stick for it because I do it so openly, but even then I don’t understand why anybody has any opinion about it.”

Although she disagrees with the nasty comments, Becky says that she is not very good at sticking up for herself.

“You just have to get on with life,” she said. “I did it at a modelling casting session not long ago.

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“They did my make up and hair and I still managed to get in the calendar.”

Becky believes that every mum should be able to do what they feel is right for their child, whether that be breastfeeding or using formula.

“If I had a message for any mums out there it’s to do what they feel is natural for them,” she said.

“I have done a lot of mum and baby yoga sessions so I know how different everyone’s experience is.

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“For those breastfeeding I would say don’t hold back, feed on demand, be open and don’t be ashamed.

“It’s a natural process that Mother Earth allowed our body to perform.

“I am thankful and grateful to the universe for the ability to breastfeed with ease finding contentment and calm for us both, as I know it can be challenging and difficult and not for everyone

and I have love and respect for all types of feeding.”

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