Wigan former private hire vehicle firm boss loses licence appeal

Bolton Crown CourtBolton Crown Court
Bolton Crown Court
Hossein Ghorbani took Wigan Council to Bolton Crown Court to appeal against the town hall revoking his private hire trade licence.

However, the judge dismissed his appeal.

Ghorbani, of St David’s Crescent in Aspull, has waged a legal battle in opposition to Wigan Council’s move against him for more than a year but his efforts now look to be ultimately in vain.

He now faces a hefty legal bill, with a Bolton judge ordering that the 43-year-old to pay the local authority £3,734 in costs.

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It is not the first time the two parties have been in front of the courts.

Ghorbani appealed the decision by the council to revoke his licence to Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court in July 2019.

However, after a two-day hearing there the bench also upheld the town hall’s original decision that he was not “a fit and proper person” to hold a licence.

The magistrates said at the time that Ghorbani had “acted in an unnecessary, foul and abusive manner towards the complainant, and also that his behaviour was intimidating and threatening”.

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At that point Ghorbani announced his intention to take the matter before a crown court judge and also issued a blistering attack against Wigan Council, claiming it was singling him out for unfair and disproportionate treatment.

He had vehemently denied any wrongdoing throughout the extensive proceedings.

His crown court appeal, though, was dismissed on October 23, with the judge coming to the same conclusion on the case as the magistrates’ court bench and the town hall had done previously.

Speaking after the judge issued the decision on the appeal Coun Paul Prescott, Wigan Council’s cabinet member for environmental services, said: “We are pleased that the committee’s decision was upheld as we are committed to ensuring that all our licensed drivers display high standards of conduct at all times.”

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