Wigan Council's virtual Christmas celebration heading on tour to deliver festive joy across the borough

Frost FestFrost Fest
Frost Fest
Wigan Council’s virtual Christmas celebration is heading on tour for the second year in a row to deliver festive joy to care and supported living facilities across the borough.

The team behind Frost Festival, which has organised multiple in-person events in recent weeks, have taken their musical extravaganza on the road throughout December.

With the use of big screens and speakers set up outside, residents are able to sit back and enjoy the entertainment, which includes a carol concert, a Christmas medley, and a highlight reel from the last two years of the festival.

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Coun Keith Cunliffe, deputy leader of the Council and cabinet portfolio holder for adult social care, said: “This Christmas, I’d like to once again pay tribute to the dedication and tireless effort shown by staff throughout the pandemic to ensure that our most vulnerable residents are protected, safe and happy.

“We know it has been another difficult year and we really wanted to give residents and staff in our care facilities an extra reason to smile this Christmas.

“Hopefully this performance will be a lovely opportunity for connection, with staff and residents having the opportunity to sit back, relax and enjoy the show.”

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With the help of event production specialists LeisureTec, the roadshow will visit eight care facilities across the borough.

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The shows are being carried out independent of the care setting facilities to ensure a Covid-secure environment.

As part of the festivities, Tesco Wigan have provided Christmas party packs for residents which are filled with festive treats like mince pies and crackers to enjoy during the performance.

Kathryn Rodrigues, who manages In-house Supported Living services for Wigan Council, said: “The current climate has brought so much trepidation and so the performance allows us to be together safely while escaping into the magic that Christmas brings.

“I can’t thank the team behind Frost Fest enough for bringing joy and celebration to our doorstep so that we can share precious moments together.”

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More information about Frost Festival can be viewed on the council’s entertainment and culture channel.

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