Tormented young Wigan footballer's final message to his family before train death

Bradley WhittleBradley Whittle
Bradley Whittle
A teenaged Wigan footballer died under the wheels of a high speed passenger train after he became overwhelmed by cocaine and gambling habits, an inquest heard.

Bradley Whittle, 19, had left a voicemail message to his mother and father saying: ''See you on the other side'' then stepped into the path of a West Coast main line Virgin train travelling at 100mph.

He suffered multiple fatal injuries in the impact and died at the scene.

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Bradley, who played for Charnock Richard Football Club, who play in the North West Counties Football League Premier Division had suffered with drug addiction and got in debt with gambling.

Bradley Whittle. Picture: Cavendish PressBradley Whittle. Picture: Cavendish Press
Bradley Whittle. Picture: Cavendish Press

He referred himself to the charity Addaction and was also prescribed antidepressants but the youngster who worked as a business administration assistant, became suicidal over gambling debts and took an overdose in the months before his death at 3pm outside Wigan North Western train station on May 15 last year.

On that occasion his parents questioned whether he should he admitted to a psychiatric hospital but staff discharged him from hospital following a 15-minute assessment in a cubicle at A&E and advised to get support at home.

Bradley’s mum, Dianne, told the hearing at Bolton Coroner's Court: “Bradley had a normal and very happy childhood. He was a talented footballer, he excelled at school, had a good social life and a good circle of friends.

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“But at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018, my husband and I became aware that Bradley was suffering with personal and financial issues as a result of substance abuse and gambling. He started a relationship that broke down in early 2019, and as a consequence of that breakdown, he started going to a mental health support group.

The inquest heard Bradley Whittle (seen here when he was younger) was bright and talented. Picture: Cavendish PressThe inquest heard Bradley Whittle (seen here when he was younger) was bright and talented. Picture: Cavendish Press
The inquest heard Bradley Whittle (seen here when he was younger) was bright and talented. Picture: Cavendish Press

“He tried to reassure the clinicians he had no concerns and that he was doing quite well and he was fine but soon afterwards in March 2019, Bradley started to talk about ending his own life and as a consequence of that, the family requested that he seek his GP’s help.

''He was seen by the GP and started on the antidepressant Sertraline to treat his depression. But very sadly the antidepressants didn’t really help. On one occasion towards the end of March, he left a suicide note, so the police were alerted, and he was found and taken to hospital in regards to an overdose.

“He was discharged from hospital and was dealt with in the community. He received support but some of his appointments were being cancelled, we weren’t sure if this was Bradley cancelling them or if the service was.

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"Some time in April 2019 there was a driving incident which resulted in Bradley seeking help from the community alcohol and drugs team.

A young Bradley Whittle meets ex-Manchester United player Anderson. Picture: Cavendish PressA young Bradley Whittle meets ex-Manchester United player Anderson. Picture: Cavendish Press
A young Bradley Whittle meets ex-Manchester United player Anderson. Picture: Cavendish Press

''He was still misusing drugs because of a work place incident where he was suspended. On May 15 we became aware he left a voicemail which said his sorry he was and said he would see us on the other side. We received a telephone call by the police that very sadly Bradley was found deceased.”

Michael Brady, a drugs rehabilitation recovery coordinator said: “At 17 Bradley suffered with cocaine misuse and was attending meetings and group sessions every Thursday evening. He was well liked by everyone.

“When he turned 18 he was transferred to the adult services, but he still asked to see me as his worker as he knew me from the sessions. One evening he mentioned he was going to Liverpool, he was going to a venue with a friend and I advised against it. He explained he didn’t trust himself not to use a substance.

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“We discussed what would happen if he reported this to the group session and he said they would advise him not to go. He did go, he used 7g of ketamine and cocaine. Ketamine wasn’t a drug he normally used, he said he started using it as his parents were testing him for cocaine, so they wouldn’t be able to tell he was using ketamine.

“He never once reported he was suicidal to me. He talked openly about his drug use and relationships. He never once mentioned his mental health.”

Laura Towers, clinical lead at the Wigan Mental Health RAID team at Wigan Infirmary said: “Bradley was brought to the hospital by the police on March 25 as he had taken an overdose of paracetamol, cocodamol and Anadin. Bradley told my colleague he had a period of low mood for some time had been prescribed Sertraline and he had some issues with cocaine and drug use.

“She felt after speaking to Bradley’s parents that home treatment was the most significant signpost for Bradley.

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“His mum had some concerns about Bradley keeping himself safe at home but he was willing to engage with services and he had the capacity to make that decision. If I had done the assessment with Bradley myself, I would have come to same conclusion.''

Police-Coroner's Officer Sam Bloomfield added: “The last sighting of Bradley was by his mother when he left home at 10am. He said he was going to visit Addaction in Wigan, then on to attend other services.

“We found he didn’t appear to have gone there. He was next seen by a friend at around 3pm. Following that Bradley made three phone calls at 15.08, with the last call being at 15.11. From there he appears to have walked from that telephone kiosk to the area where the incident occurred.”

Recording a conclusion of suicide, Coroner Rachel Syed said: “Bradley had a normal, happy childhood, he excelled at school and football and had a good social life. But towards the end of 2017 and 2018 things began to change and he began to struggle with financial issues, misusing drugs and gambling debts.

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“Following a breakdown of a relationship he suffered with mental health problems. He would often tell his treating clinicians that he was fine and shortly afterwards he would show that he was not fine. It’s clear that the medication did not help. Then he left a suicide note and the police were summonsed, he was located in woods and taken to hospital.

“During the assessment Bradley reported feeling low in mood, with an intention to end his life, thoughts of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness. The family were concerned about his escalating behaviour and he said he couldn’t see a way out of depression.

“Bradley didn’t want to leave hospital and at no point did he consent to be seen by the home treatment team. I find that the assessment was 15 minutes long and wasn’t carried out appropriately. There are significant gaps in what should have been reported.

“He was discharged and not deemed to be detainable under the Mental Health act and instead received home based treatment which was intensive and supportive. He appeared to be responding well to the supervision he was receiving in the community health team.

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''He was discharged around April 2019 and I have found there has been gaps in his care. There is little that can be done that can change the outcome but there are missed opportunities in the care he received. Following a work place incident where he was suspended from work, his parents became aware of a voice mail message in which he stated he was sorry and said he would see them on the other side.

''It’s clear from the evidence, Bradley gained entry to the train line with intent of walking in front of a moving train. the train was travelling at speed and despite best efforts to brake, Bradley was indeed struck by the train and died from traumatic injuries.

"I hope you can start to focus on all the wonderful memories of him.”

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