Mourners asked to create a 'line of blue' at funeral of Wigan schoolboy killed after hit-and-run

Jack WorwoodJack Worwood
Jack Worwood
A funeral procession for a teenager who died after a hit-and-run crash will stop at his school as he makes his final journey.

Mourners are asked to wear blue for Manchester City fan Jack Worwood as the cortege passes tomorrow. People had at first been asked to clap as Jack passed, but his family have since requested that gatherers hold a moment of silence for him.

The 13-year-old was fatally injured when he was struck by a Jaguar car on Old Road in Ashton on Tuesday, July 7.

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Jack, who had been walking to meet friends to play football, died at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital the following day.

Byrchall High School in Ashton, where Jack was a pupil, has now shared the arrangements for his funeral, at the request of his family.

The cortege will leave Jack’s home on Wotton Drive, Ashton, at 12.30pm on Thursday and go along Golborne Road, Bolton Road and Warrington Road to the school.

It will pull into a bus bay where staff and pupils can pay their respects.

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The cortege will then turn back onto Warrington Road and proceed along Flora Street, Windsor Road and Heath Road to St Thomas’ Church for a service at 1pm.

The statement from the school said: “As Jack’s football club was Manchester City it would be lovely to see a line of blue on his journey.

“Please can we ask everyone to respect the family and not crowd the path around the church.

“As Jack drives past it would be lovely to see and hear you clap him on his way.”

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In a statement released after his death, Jack's family described him as "cheeky, loving and soft-hearted" and said he loved playing football, computer games and maths.

Liam Wilson, 21, of Livingstone Street, Ashton, has been charged with death by dangerous driving and assault by beating of an emergency worker.

He was remanded in custody by Wigan magistrates until a hearing at Bolton Crown Court on Friday, August 7.