Borough arts group launching online drama project

Martin Green from Healthy ArtsMartin Green from Healthy Arts
Martin Green from Healthy Arts
Not-for-profit organisation Healthy Arts will be running virtual sessions for people from the local amateur theatre community during the latest lockdown.

Called Platform 21, the new project will help people reconnect with treading the boards, make new friends and take part in a performance.

The new scheme will be run by actor and director Martin Green and participants will be linked up with writers, including members of local groups, mentored by professional playwright Julie McKiernan from Leigh.

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Martin said: “The arts have really suffered during the pandemic and there have been few local opportunities for this sector to thrive.

“It’s time to shine a spotlight on local talent and get theatrical activity back up and running, even if this is remotely.”

After exploring acting technique in group sessions, the cast will rehearse and record new scripts for sharing with a wider audience.

Organisers hope this will provide a fantastic opportunity to refresh skills and develop self-confidence following the lengthy period of inactivity and lack of social activities as a result of Covid-19.

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One-to-one sessions will also be offered to give participants some direct and specific coaching, either in acting, writing or comedy performance.

It is hoped this project could help to relaunch Platform Theatre Company and spark some new performance opportunities for a brighter future.

Platform 21 has been made a reality thanks to a grant from the Local Connections Fund.

The sessions will take place on Monday evenings on Zoom for adults aged 18 plus. Anyone interested in taking part should email [email protected] by Friday February 5. The first session is on Monday February 8.

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