Pensioner's horror injuries in collision

The crash sceneThe crash scene
The crash scene
An elderly woman remains in critical care after a horror crash on a busy Wigan street.

Margaret Flower, 76, was struck by a car during a collision between two vehicles on Gidlow Lane last Saturday lunchtime (September 2).

Although her condition has improved slightly in recent days, concerned relatives are maintaining a bedside vigil at Salford Royal Hospital’s intensive care unit.

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And the Beech Hill resident may yet require reconstructive surgery after suffering no fewer than 11 fractures in the collision.

She has told loved ones she remembers little of what happened other than a car stopping to let her cross the road on Gidlow Lane at around 1.30pm.

Thereafter there was a crash between a Ford and a Vauxhall Corsa in which Mrs Flower was caught up.

Her injuries included seven broken ribs and a fractured collarbone. Three other people were also hurt in the incident. Two casualties were treated at the scene and a woman was taken to Wigan Infirmary, having suffered a bang to the head.

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Her nephew Matthew Groves, 23, said: “Needless to say we are all heartbroken by what has happened.

“Thankfully she has recovered a little in recent days but we are still worried about her.

“Apparently she had been walking from her home and down Gidlow Lane past Bargain Booze, probably to pick up a few bits from Tesco.

“She was waiting to cross the road and says that a car stopped to let her cross, but then she remembers nothing.

“We are not at all sure what happened after that and would be very glad if any witnesses to the collision got in touch with the police.”