Readers' letters - February 20

Banks should consider their customers, says a correspondentBanks should consider their customers, says a correspondent
Banks should consider their customers, says a correspondent
Banks should provide a service for community

Like many others, I am dismayed at the closure of the local branches of banks.They justify their policies by pointing to the increasing use of internet banking. How I shudder at the prospect of internet criminals getting their hands on my accounts. I can hear the bankers saying that cannot happen. Well, if hackers can exploit the computer systems of major businesses and government departments, then I suspect that Aunt Nellie’s pot of gold won’t be much of a problem.And poor Aunt Nellie will have to take a bus ride to pay in her £25 premium bond winnings. But what about local businesses heaving with bags of cash and nowhere close by to deposit them? It seems to me that the banks have lost sight of providing a service for their customers in the rush to reduce operating costs. They are thinking of themselves rather than their customers to whom they owe their existence and a duty of care.But is there a solution? The more enterprising businesses can convert problems into opportunities. Recognising that technology is changing the game, why don’t the banks get together and provide a communal service at the local level whereby Aunt Nellie and Uncle Tom Cobley can process their accounts in different banks in one place? Alternatively, why not provide a communal service though local post offices or even supermarkets? Geoffrey NorthAddress supplied

Drought crisis concerns in South Africa

As Britain continues to obsess about Brexit, a crisis is happening over in South Africa of which we all seem unaware.Water supplies for Cape Town are running low, partly due to poor maintenance and partly due to a prolonged drought. The need for water engineers and drilling equipment to find new supplies of underground water is now urgent. Other major communities are also soon to be in difficulty. Are we going to help our cousins and friends at this time? The election of the new president (Cyril Ramaphosa) has arguably come 20 years too late for both him and the country. I seriously doubt South Africa will ever find anyone capable of filling Nelson Mandela’s shoes. Please, we must help in any way we can. Nigel Boddyvia emailBetter to have buses than a pass

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Keeping buses on the road is becoming ever more difficult. The Government has to recognise that adequate funding has to be given to the local authorities to be able to provide these necessary services.The monies should be ring-fenced. The time has now come for users of these services to chip in a contribution of, say, 50p per journey from all concessionary pass-holders. This step would go a long way to keeping rural bus services going. Not popular I suspect, but not much good having a free pass if there are no buses to use! Jeff ThomasAddress supplied

Vince is right about NHS

I am not a political animal, yet I do agree with Vince Cable when he advocates a one per cent rise in income tax ring-fenced for use with the NHS. I would like to see some go to education as well.Taking matters a stage further, to ease the demand on A&E in particular, I would advocate a £10 charge for their services. Furthermore, how about a £50 levy for those idiots under the influence of either drink or drugs? If such a levy stopped some of the timewasters attending A&E, so much the better. Bob SwallowAddress supplied

‘Lunatics have taken over’

The lunatics have taken over the asylum.What with the black cab rapist up for release and the girls being barred from darts and Formula 1, I’m waiting for the next crazy idea from the do-gooders who think we are incapable of deciding what is right or wrong and what we decide to view.T Walker via email