Mayor Andy Burnham's victory speech - Manchester 1 Liverpool 0

Andy BurnhamAndy Burnham
Andy Burnham
Former borough MP Andy Burnham hailed his election as Greater Manchester's metro mayor as 'the dawn of a new era'.

The Labour candidate received 63 per cent of the vote to land the role created by Greater Manchester’s devolution deal.

Here is the former Leigh MP’s victory speech in full.

He said: “I’d like to thank the councils that have been working through the day to count the vote, the combined authority and the Greater Manchester Police who have run this election so smoothly.

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“I must thank my incredible campaign team, chaired by Andrew Gwynne MP, Barbara Keeley MP, and of course the incredible and long-suffering [campaign manager] Kevin Lee, thanks so much to you all.

“Can I also thank my fellow candidates, particularly from the other two main parties and the Green Party, for making this a friendly and positive campaign which has set the right tone for a new era in Greater Manchester.

“But most of all I want to thank the people of Greater Manchester - you have given me a big job to do and a big mandate with which to do it. I will give it my all, I won’t let you down.

“All I can say is wow, 63 per cent of the vote. I hear actually down the road in Liverpool the candidate there got 59 per cent, so I think we can all say today that is Manchester 1 Liverpool 0.

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“Wherever you live, whether you voted for me or not, it doesn’t matter, I will be a mayor for you, for the people, as your voice for all of Greater Manchester.

“This is the dawn of a new era, not just for this city region but for politics in our country. It has been too London-centric for too long. the old political and party structures haven’t delivered for all people and for all places.

“They have created this crisis in politics we are living through now. And you know what? We could hold as many general elections as we like and that will never solve the problem.

People here have worked hard to get to this moment and we are not going to waste it. Greater Manchester is going to take control. We are going to change politics and make it work better for people.

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“We will give power and purpose to those people and places Westminster has left behind. We will get the voice of the North heard more loudly than ever before.

“We asked the people of Greater Manchester to help us write our manifesto and now I invite them to help us implement it.”