Hugh Jackman sends "all his love" to Wigan teen injured in bomb blast

Hugh Jackman released the video on Instagram this morningHugh Jackman released the video on Instagram this morning
Hugh Jackman released the video on Instagram this morning
The family of a Wigan teen injured in the Manchester arena attack has sent a heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in her recovery.

Lucy Jarvis, 17, from Standish remains in Salford Royal Hospital as she recovers from serious leg and stomach injuries.

The teenager's story has touched the hearts of people from across the world including Hollywood movie star, Hugh Jackman, who this morning released a video.

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In the clip, which the "X-Men" star posted to Instagram and Twitter, Jackman says: "We just wanted to say to the entire Jarvis family, in fact to all the victims families and the victims, we are sending all our love and sending all our prayers to you."

"For not only a speedy recovery but also for all the difficulties you will face ahead."

During her recovery, thousands of messages of support have come from across the UK and further afield and she has even been sent a hand-knitted blanket from someone in Switzerland.

A family member told Wigan Today that all of the medical staff have been "fantastic" throughout Lucy's journey to recovery, which at one point was "touch and go".

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They said: "Lucy is now improving day by day but has a long road ahead. All the nurses fight over who gets to look after her. Everyone has been so fantastic from doctors, surgeons nurses and police liaison. All the surgeons pop in each day to say hello and check how she's doing. She's touched everyone with her bravery and general loveliness."