Video captures trespassers wreaking havoc inside Wigan's Pagefield Mill

Pagefield MillPagefield Mill
Pagefield Mill
Trespassers have broken into a notorious Wigan mill and hurled roof tiles into the gardens of neighbouring houses, smashing a window.

The latest alarming incidents at Pagefield Mill, near Mesnes Park, have raised fears that once again there will be huge problems with anti-social behaviour at the derelict building over summer.

Youths have been blamed for the latest trespassing and vandalism, which happened on Maundy Thursday.

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Police have been informed of the incident but a ward councillor is now calling on the authorities to urgently act and stop people getting into the site.

Pagefield MillPagefield Mill
Pagefield Mill

Residents snapped pictures of people walking along the roof of the severely-diladapidated mill, which has been dubbed a death trap.

They are also understood to have climbed one of the towers before taking roof tiles off the former industrial building and hurling them to the ground. In doing so a window was broken at an address on Kenyon Road.

Coun George Davies, who represents Wigan Central ward in the chamber, said: “The summer months are coming and we need to make sure we are not starting over again with youngsters coming from Mesnes Park into the mill.

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“We need somebody to stop them getting into that tower. I said it last year: the entrance needs taking away and it needs to be blocked off.”

A trespasser photographed on the roof of the buildingA trespasser photographed on the roof of the building
A trespasser photographed on the roof of the building

Measures had been taken to secure Pagefield, which has previously tied up fire and police resources horrendously, but the site is returning to the headlines with a blaze breaking out there this month.

The town hall has warned people to keep out and expressed frustration at how much time and effort is being taken up securing the mill.

Marie Bintley, Wigan Council’s assistant director for housing and growth, said: “We’ve heard claims that people have regained access to the Pagefield Mill building. Despite the council having invested significant funds into making this property secure, trespass has continued.

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“We have facilitated wide discussions with the owner’s representatives. However, our building control team is repeatedly being called out to make this building secure.

“Whilst there are ongoing conversations with the owner’s representatives on the future use of the property, we are looking to exercise our powers to ensure they fulfil their responsibilities in making this building safe and secure.

“We would advise everyone to stay clear of the area and to not access the extremely dangerous site.”