Thug who battered a man around the head repeatedly with a chair leg is spared jail

Bolton Crown CourtBolton Crown Court
Bolton Crown Court
A thug who repeatedly battered a man around the head with a chair leg has been spared an immediate jail term.

Mark Charnock attacked Ryan Woodworth at The Poplars supported housing centre in Golborne, where they were both residents at the time.

Bolton Crown Court heard that the terrified and injured victim managed to flee his flat to some church grounds, to where the police attended.

The victim received hospital treatment to his injuries.

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Charnock had originally been due to stand trial this December for issuing threats to kill Mr Woodworth as well as inflicting grievous bodily harm on him with intent - the latter charge the most serious form of assault after attempted murder.

But at a pre-trial hearing in July the 35-year-old pleaded guilty to a lesser assault charge of grievous bodily harm without intent, which was accepted by the prosecution.

He had also continued to deny making threats to kill and this was allowed by the court to lie on file.

For the assault Charnock was given a 12-month prison sentence but the judge suspended it for 24 months.

He was also ordered to complete 20 days of rehabilitation activities and received a mental health treatment referral lasting 12 months.