Police had knowledge of violent relationship which put ex-lover in hospital on seven occasions

Manchester Crown CourtManchester Crown Court
Manchester Crown Court
The ex-lover of a woman accused of murder was put in hospital at least seven times throughout their relationship, a jury has heard.

The second week of a trial into the alleged murder of a 30-year-old single mum Lyndsey Vaux resumed yesterday morning at Manchester Crown Court, with Becky Reid, 32, standing accused alongside her mother Gillian Reid, 57.

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As well as the unlawful killing of Miss Vaux, the pair, both from Sydney Street in Platt Bridge, have been accused of the grevious bodily harm with intent of Becky Reid’s ex-partner Samantha Newns.

Crown Prosecutor Paul Reid QC, showed the jury a list of Ms Newns’s recorded hospital admissions during the four years she was in a relationship with unemployed Reid.

Ms Newns, 37, faced cross-examination last week after telling a gruesome tale of continuing abuse at the hand of the Reids.

Yesterday medical records detailing seven hospital visits, including three to Salford Royal Hospital, were read out to the jury, including details of eye socket fractures, a fracture to the lower arm and a damaged cheekbone.

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Paramedics reported to have attended to an injured Ms Newns outside Soho Street Asda on June 6, 2007, just a year before her and Becky Reid’s relationship came to an allegedly violent end.

But despite Ms Newns’s claims that she had been assaulted at the superstore when emergency services arrived, reports show that Reid herself insisted that her partner had “fallen over”.

PC Peter MacFarlane, of Greater Manchester Police was called to give evidence despite the force having lost his original statement given more than nine years ago.

During his cross-examination, PC MacFarlane was asked about the accuracy of his log of events, which now remains one of the only official records of the alleged assault on June 20 2008.

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The jury last week heard how Ms Newns had lost her tooth during the 2008 incident for which the pair have been accused of grievous bodily harm with intent.

John McDermott QC, defending Gillian Reid, called the sergeant’s actions into question: “There’s no mention in your log of injuries of any missing tooth or very nasty cut to the lip.

“If a complaint had been made to you ‘I have been punched in the mouth and my tooth has been knocked out’ that’s not the sort of through you would regard as neither here nor there?

“If you had reason to believe someone else was responsible you would have arrested them too, yes?”

PC MacFarlane agreed.