Car crashes into farmer's field in wintry weather

Firefighters helped to rescue the manFirefighters helped to rescue the man
Firefighters helped to rescue the man
A driver has been taken to hospital after crashing his car in "treacherous" conditions.

The Audi car skidded off the East Lancashire Road in Leigh, near the Greyhound hotel, at 6.45am on Sunday.

It hit a lamppost, went through a fence and came to a stop in a farmer's field.

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Crews from Leigh and Atherton fire stations were called to attend, as well as the ambulance service.

Gary Mercer, watch manager at Leigh fire station, said: "It was treacherous ice and hail stoning."

The man, who was around 40, was put on a spine board and carried from the field by firefighters.

He was taken to hospital for treatment to suspected back and neck injuries.

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